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Integrated Management System


It is the policy of Northern Disposal Services Ltd to provide transportation and disposal services which fully comply with customers’ requirements.

The policy is designed to ensure Quality Management System (QMS) meets and continues to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

The policy provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives. Objectives will be set and reviewed on a regular basis.

The Quality Manual details QMS requirements.

All employees are made aware of the Company’s quality policy, objectives and procedures. They are trained to achieve Company work standards. They are required to inform management of activities, occurrences and conditions which put at risk service quality. Employees are responsible for observing quality policy provisions and carrying out their work in accordance with procedural requirements.

The QMS will be continually improved through the use of techniques and activities, including the setting and modification of objectives, which will be reviewed at service and management review meetings.

It is my responsibility to ensure the QMS is implemented efficiently and to ensure quality objectives and policy are regularly reviewed. I will seek to maintain the effectiveness of the QMS by ensuring staff adopt sound techniques of monitoring, control, audit and review.

The quality policy is appropriate to the purpose and context of the company and supports its strategic direction, provides a framework for setting & reviewing quality objectives, provides a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements and provides a commitment to continual improvement of the quality management system.

Signed ___J G Dickinson___
Managing Director

Date 10/5/2018


Northern Disposal Services Ltd will at all times achieve the highest level of environmental control.

The company will also ensure that it adheres to the Environmental Management Systems, Process Controls, and Procedures and strive to improve them continuously.

The Company are committed to applying Good Professional Practice throughout the organisation and to fulfilling a high standard of performance and the expectations of its customers.

All staff must familiarise themselves and regularly update themselves on the requirements of environmental management and are required to take a positive attitude to minimising the company impact on the environment.

The Company is totally committed to comply with ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements, (and all associated legislation and codes of practice,) and will at all times ensure that its own systems comply with all the requirement of that standard. This policy provides the framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.

The company is committed to continually improving the effectiveness of the environmental management systems, and to prevent pollution within the company working environment, and the protection of the wider external environment.

The environment policy is appropriate to the purpose and context of the company and supports its strategic direction, provides a framework for setting environment objectives, provides a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements and provides a commitment to continual improvement of the environment management system.

The environment policy will be made available on request to all parties interested in the performance of the company environmental management system, including the public.

Signed ____J G Dickinson____

Managing Director

Date 10/5/2018